Exploring Antelope: The Backbone of Pangea Blockchain's Evolution

February 26, 2024
Jack Tanner
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In the constantly evolving landscape of blockchain technology, few protocols have made as significant an impact as Antelope, formerly known as EOSIO. Antelope's high throughput, exceptional usability, and enriching developer experience stand at the forefront of its wide-ranging appeal. But it's the protocol's unparalleled flexibility that sets it apart, enabling the development of diverse blockchain architectures. This flexibility is rooted in Antelope's unique two-layer consensus model, which combines a base peer-to-peer aBFT consensus with a programmable governance model. This innovative approach allows for the creation of networks that can be permissioned, permissionless, centralized, or decentralized, catering to a vast array of use cases.

A Leap from EOSIO to Antelope

The transformation from EOSIO to Antelope marked a pivotal moment in the blockchain history. This transition was not merely a rebranding but a significant evolution in the protocol's capabilities and governance. It is a unique historic moment where the technology community took control of their platform from it's original creator Block 1 due to their lack of involvement. Antelope's development has since been driven by a collaborative effort among various stakeholders in the Antelope community, ensuring the protocol remains open, innovative, secure, and highly performant.

Antelope in Action: EOS, Telos, and WAX

The practical applications of Antelope are best illustrated by three prominent most public chains: EOS, Telos, and WAX. Together, these platforms secure a combined market cap of $1.2 billion, with even more value secured in on-chain assets. Telos's recent test of the Antelope v5 protocol achieved over 15,000 transactions per second, highlighting the protocol's scalability. Moreover, EOS, WAX, and Telos have set records for the most transactions recorded on a blockchain in a single day as reported by Blocktivity, with WAX emerging as the second most-used blockchain globally today reported by DappRadar. This widespread adoption underscores Antelope's scalability and usability, particularly in the gaming sector, where three of the top five global DApp games run on WAX.

Challenges and Opportunities

Despite its impressive performance and adoption, Antelope faces challenges in mainstream adoption, primarily due to outdated governance perceptions rooted in Block 1. While the technology remains a leading innovation still, several technical barriers still exist to allow mainstream adoption. However, the Pangea Blockchain team, with its deep involvement in Antelope's development over the years, is poised to address these challenges. Pangea's innovations, such as Tonomy ID and the Antelope DID method, exemplify the team's experience to enhancing security and usability, paving the way for broader adoption.

Pangea's Vision for Blockchain's Future

Pangea Blockchain, leveraging the core strengths of Antelope, is poised to revolutionize the blockchain space. With a deep involvement in Antelope's development, Pangea's team brings expertise and a visionary approach to harnessing blockchain's power. Pangea's enhancements focus on three critical areas:

  1. Governance: Transitioning from a Delegated Proof of Stake model, Pangea introduces Gov+, a provable democracy framework ensuring sustainability and integrity.
  2. Identity: By standardizing key structures for individuals, applications, and DAOs, Pangea Passport and Pangea DAO simplify interactions and programming within the blockchain ecosystem.
  3. Resources: Pangea reimagines resource allocation, moving beyond staking, REX and PowerUp models seen on EOS, WAX and Telos to a more accessible and flexible system leveraging identity types and use cases to allocate resources.

Furthermore, Pangea's commitment to anonymity and usability enhancements paves the way for Web 4.0 applications, promising a future where blockchain technology is more accessible, secure, and versatile.


As we witness the continuous growth and development of blockchain platforms like Antelope and Pangea, it's clear that the future of decentralized technology is not just about maintaining the status quo but about pushing the boundaries of what's possible. For those interested in diving deeper into Antelope's technical underpinnings and governance models, resources such as the Antelope developer docs, research into governance models, and insights into the consensus model structure (Medium article) offer a wealth of information. Additionally, exploring the WAX, EOS, and Telos websites can provide a closer look at these dynamic platforms powered by Antelope.

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